Friday, April 15, 2016

UPSC IES/ISS Syllabus 2016 Sample/Model/Previous Que Papers | Sample Papers 2016 Download

Functions: classification of functions, functions definition and declaration, assessing a function, return statement, parameter passing in functions.

Theory of employment, Output, Inflation, Money and Finance: The Classical theory of Employment and Output and Neo classical approaches.

Estimation of Population. - Class X level)Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. Qn: Which stream/subject should I choose for graduation to clear UPSC exam?.

We expect, currently applicants started their important prep works.

UPSC IES ISS Exam Date. 4.  Theory of Distribution:  Neo classical distribution theories; Marginal productivity theory of determination of factor prices, Factor shares and adding up problems.  Euler’s theorem, Pricing of factors under imperfect competition, monopoly and bilateral monopoly


The Central Processing unit, Main memory, Bit, Byte, Word, Input/Output Devices, Speeds and memory Capacities in computer systems.

Sr. No


Maximum Marks Time Allowed
1 General English 100 3 hrs.
2 General Studies 100 3 hrs
3 Statistics-I (Objective) 200 2 hrs
4 Statistics-II (Objective) 200 2 hrs
5 Statistics-III (Subjective) 200 3 hrs.
6 Statistics-IV (Subjective) 200 3 hrs.
. Global Institutions etc.

·         Theory of Production. Basics of Computer: Operations of a computer, Different units of a computer system like central processing unit, memory unit, arithmetic and logical unit, input unit, output unit etc., Hardware including different types of input,. The exam is conducted in the following two stages-.

Hence, all those who have applied for the IES ISS and intends to run for the UPSC IES ISS Exam 2016 would analyze our blog to grab the direct link to download the UPSC IES ISS Admit Card 2016.

• Keep the following handy while filing up the application form

. LIKE us on Facebook to receive regular updates about various Bank Exams / Government Jobs. Frequency distribution. function (minimum of 40 % impairment) will be allowed to write the examination with the help of a scribe..

Money and Banking: Financial sector reforms, Organisation of India’s money market, changing roles of the Reserve Bank of India, commercial banks, development finance institutions, foreign banks and non-banking financial institutions, Indian capital market and SEBI, Development in Global Financial Market and its relationship with Indian Financial Sector..

Frequency distribution..

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